A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and CTA link. Cards in ezContent can be displayed horizontally and vertically. Content Model Title (Required Field) Card Title Short Title Media Subhead Summary Link Layout(Image First or Text First) View Mode (Horizontal or Vertical layout) Tech Notes Paragraph Type: Cards Label: Cards Machine Name: card_list Custom Block: Cards Machine Name: cards See it in Action! https://ezcontent.srijan.net/ Sample Horizontal Cards Image First Card A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN CTA Link Text First Card A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN CTA Link Sample Vertical Cards 3x Layout Card One A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN CTA Link 3x Layout Card Two A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN CTA Link 3x Layout Card Three A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit. Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN CTA Link