Card Component

A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and CTA link. Cards in ezContent can be displayed horizontally and vertically.

Content Model

  • Title (Required Field)
  • Card
    • Title
    • Short Title
    • Media
    • Subhead
    • Summary
    • Link
    • Layout(Image First or Text First)
  • View Mode (Horizontal or Vertical layout)


Tech Notes

Paragraph Type: Cards
Label: Cards Machine Name: card_list

Custom Block: Cards
Machine Name: cards


See it in Action!

Sample Horizontal Cards

Image First Card

A card is a flexible and extensible content container.

It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN

Text First Card

A card is a flexible and extensible content container.

It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN

Sample Vertical Cards

3x Layout Card One

A card is a flexible and extensible content container.

It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN


3x Layout Card Two

A card is a flexible and extensible content container.

It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN


3x Layout Card Three

A card is a flexible and extensible content container.

It chunks several different (but related) components of information into one digestible unit.  Cards present a teaser image, title, summary, and link to additional details. An Editor can add multiple cards and choose a layout for the group, like a Grid of 3xN